10 Best Psychic and Astrology Affiliate Programs in 2023

Don’t be so quick to scoff.

You might not believe in psychics or astrology.

But that’s not the point.

What should be important to you is that tens of millions of people do believe in psychics and astrology.

And what’s even more interesting is that fans of the metaphysical are now treating psychics as wellness coaches.

This is why this industry (including astrology) is worth around US$2.2 billion annually

You see, when you marry interest and demand you can start earning passive income like this:

The reality is this – people love spending money on online psychics. 

You just need to position yourself with the best affiliate programs in this space. Like the ones listed below.

Psychic and Astrology Affiliate Programs

  1. Kasamba
  2. Purple Tides App
  3. Purple Garden App
  4. Purple Ocean App
  5. Purple Garden Web Spanish
  6. Purple Ocean Web
  7. Purple Garden Web English
  8. Ask Now
  9. The Psychic School
  10. Psychic Oz


Kasamba affilaite

Kasamba has been in the business of psychic readings and astrology since 1995.

So they’re not just trying to leech off the increased interest in all things psychic – they did this stuff before it was cool.

What can they offer your audience?

Well, they can get a psychic reading or astrology reading, but Kasamba psychics also offer fortune-telling, Tarot readings, and even career forecasts.

Or how about a dream analysis session?

In fact, if your audience can think of an issue they need guidance on, Kasamba should have at least one advisor who can help them.

They offer 3 free minutes with each new psychic to see if you can “bond” with them.

And you can even take your psychic readings mobile with the Kasamba app.


You don’t need to be psychic to understand that affiliate programs in this niche tend to have substantial payouts.

And Kasamba is no different in that regard.

In fact, they pay up to $150 in affiliate commission for every new customer you send them.

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